Complete website redesign and recreate from WIX to WordPress

At Donstudio we love to redesign your website, give a fresh, new, professional look to your online face. Are you aware of the tremendous impact this will do for your sales.

A complete new design to your website will increase conversion and you will start getting more sales. This is proved, and I have been able to help a lot of business on their best way to communicate and expose their business to the public.

This time I’m working on Specialized Sleep Diagnostics a sleep test clinic in Roseville, CA. They help you with your sleep, if you have sleep problems. Providing home testing to full in-clinic sleep tests.

For more info on their service please visit

Here is the new design we created custom from scratch for them: 1

As design has been approved by client, I’m developing this design now into WordPress. This website it’s currently on WIX but the client decided to get the website rebuild in WordPress and I’m making that a reality.

I feel comfortable working as well on WIX but to be honest i Prefer WordPress and Elementor to create an awesome new website for them, like the design shown on here.

Soon I will write a Post, explaining why WordPress and Not WIX.

I’ve been falling in love with WordPress and Elementor in the past months. As web designer it’s extremely smart for me the way Elementor Implements design into WordPress Theme. This improve the speed, responsive view, animations, important functionality. I have a lot of tools to use when implementing websites using Elementor, And this is making a great impact on my clients.

If you have a serious business and it’s been a few years since the last time you updated your site, or your site it’s not generating new clients for you, get in touch with me today. I can help you and your business. I can expose you to the proper eyes and make them understand better the awesome services or products you offer.

My name is Don M in Miami, FL, – Call or Text (Always online in Whatsapp) 305-407-2422

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