Google Ads, Keyword Selection and Analysis

Almost on a daily basis I would  sign in on google ads and do Campaigns Maintenance, where I pay close attention to Keywords, and add proper found keywords to the campaigns and other no good keywords triggering the campaigns as negative keywords into campaigns. This will ensure the good health of campaigns, and make sure client’s investment is well made for Digital Marketing.

Here is a video, while doing this task today on a client’s google ads account.

Completed websites from Our Web Design Portfolio

Patrick Legal This is WordPress and Divi Website, we did not made entire Website or Theme, but we apply several changes, made a Video Review of

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We Create Professional Websites

Our client in Miami Beach didn’t have leads, they needed their website to provide leads and convert. I made a google ads campaign for them

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Stanley Associates – WordPress – Divi We made redesign and recreated this site in WordPress. Made custom design, and perfect html5 DIVI responsive website. See the

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