How Increased Leads by 300%

How Increased Leads by 300%

How Increased Leads by 300% Through Website Redesign and Google Ads Optimization

Introduction, a Miami-based cosmetic dentistry practice, faced a challenge – their website wasn’t attracting enough qualified leads, hindering their patient acquisition goals. The existing website lacked visual appeal, clear calls to action (CTAs), and essential information for potential patients. Additionally, their Google Ads campaign wasn’t optimized, resulting in wasted ad spend and minimal return on investment (ROI).

The Challenge

  • Outdated website design failing to capture attention and convert visitors.
  • Lack of clear CTAs, hindering lead generation.
  • Missing information about services, credentials, and patient benefits.
  • Ineffective Google Ads campaign with low conversion rates and high cost-per-lead (CPL).

The Solution partnered with a digital marketing agency to implement a two-pronged strategy: website redesign and Google Ads optimization.

Website Redesign

  • Enhanced User Experience (UX): The website underwent a complete overhaul, focusing on a user-friendly design with clear navigation. High-quality visuals showcased the practice’s environment, dental procedures, and patient results.
  • Compelling Content: Content was optimized to target relevant keywords and address patient pain points. Information about services, patient testimonials, and the dentist’s expertise were prominently displayed.
  • Clear CTAs: Strategic placement of clear and concise CTAs encouraged visitors to schedule consultations or contact the practice.

Google Ads Optimization

  • Keyword Research: A comprehensive keyword research strategy identified relevant search terms used by potential patients seeking cosmetic dentistry services in Miami.
  • Targeted Ad Groups: The Google Ads campaign was restructured with targeted ad groups focusing on specific services like teeth whitening, veneers, or dental implants.
  • Compelling Ad Copy: Engaging ad copy was written to highlight’s unique selling points (USPs) and encourage clicks.
  • Landing Page Optimization: Landing pages linked to specific ad groups were optimized to ensure a seamless user experience and increase conversion rates.
  • Conversion Tracking: Conversion tracking pixels were implemented to measure website actions like appointment bookings or contact form submissions.
  • Bid Management: Regular monitoring and adjustments were made to optimize bids for relevant keywords, ensuring cost-effectiveness.

The Results

The combined efforts of website redesign and Google Ads optimization yielded impressive results:

  • 300% Increase in Leads: The redesigned website and targeted Google Ads campaign generated a 300% increase in qualified leads for
  • Improved Conversion Rate: The conversion rate (visitors who booked consultations) saw a significant increase due to a user-friendly website and clear CTAs.
  • Reduced Cost-per-Lead (CPL): Optimized Google Ads campaigns resulted in a lower CPL, maximizing the return on investment for the practice’s marketing budget.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: The professional website design and targeted online advertising strategies created a positive brand image for, attracting new patients seeking high-quality cosmetic dentistry services.

Conclusion’s case study demonstrates the transformative power of a well-designed website and a strategically managed Google Ads campaign. By investing in these digital marketing initiatives, the practice was able to attract more qualified leads, improve patient acquisition, and achieve significant business growth.

Key Takeaways

  • A user-friendly website with clear CTAs is crucial for converting website visitors into leads.
  • Utilizing relevant keywords and targeted ad groups in a Google Ads campaign ensures efficient reach to potential patients.
  • Landing page optimization creates a seamless user experience, boosting conversion rates.
  • Regular monitoring and adjustments to website design and Google Ads campaigns are essential for continual improvement.

Looking Forward plans to continuously refine their website based on user data and analytics. Additionally, they aim to explore remarketing strategies and expand their Google Ads reach to target neighboring areas. By leveraging the power of digital marketing, is well-positioned for continued success in attracting new patients and achieving their business goals.

My name is Don Martínez from Miami, FL, Owner of Donstudio – Google Partner and Certified Google Ads – dedicated to creating effective Google PPC campaigns for clients seeking increased visibility and sales. Maximize your investment on Google by ensuring you pay for the right clicks and have the proper conversion codes installed on your website. Transform your website or landing page to be conversion-optimized. I offer monthly plans for Google Ads and website support to keep your online presence running smoothly, securely, and reliably.

We would be delighted to hear from you, call Us 305-407-2422 or fill the form below.

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