Our client needed a new site, a new design something more 2021 with modern touch, with clean interface, clear info, nice graphics. Something that calls attention and make people comofrtalbe from start and certain they are in good hands, and they will get a professional service.
Here you are the design we made for this IT company in Ohio – IT Company Website Redesign
We are in the process of Site completion now, where we are designing inner content pages and integrating into Elementor Pro. Our sites are build using WordPress and Elementor Pro for maximum control over the design, content and beautiful animations. Or websites are SEO ready, responsive, fast, secure. We produce websites that last for years and generate Leads for your business.
Why Wix to Wordpres
There is nothing wrong with Wix, in fact we create websites in Wix as well for some of our clients. So why we choose to use WordPress sometimes in some of our projects. Could be for different reasons such as:
- Freedom
- Extended functionality
- Animations
- Custom Code
- Control over the website and code
- Speed
- Responsiveness
But we are not tight to this, if you wish to continue using Wix on your site, this is something we respect and go with it. Same goes for Squarespace.
Order a Website Redesign now and win new clients for your business