Why would I need a Landing Page, if I already have a website

Landing Page


If you have a web page and have carried out or have considered doing a campaign on the internet or social networks, you have almost certainly heard about the term “Landing Page” or “Landing Page or Destination.”

But what exactly is a Landing Page? What makes it different from any other page? Why are they so important in an online campaign or social networks?

What is a landing page or landing page?

A “landing page” or landing page is the first page you normally “land” on after clicking on a link. In this sense, a landing page could be almost any page: your home page, a blog article, a product page, a page to attract new potential customers, etc.

However, when we talk about a “landing page” in digital marketing, we generally mean a specifically designed page to sell. The idea is to receive users on a page focused on a specific digital marketing campaign to get new potential customers.

Here are some examples of marketing campaign objectives that you can achieve with a landing page:

  • Improve the sales of a product or service
  • Newsletter registration
  • Complete a form to get contact information
  • Contact by chat to establish direct communication with the client
  • Register for an event
  • etc

All these conversion actions serve the same goal: they move people through the page to become customers (conversion) who end up buying your products or services. And ultimately, that’s the goal of any digital marketing landing page.

What sections does a landing page have?

Now that we know what a landing page is let’s talk about the 5 essential landing page design sections. For reference, I share an example infographic with each section and elements:

There is no golden rule; not all landing pages should conform to this example model, but this infographic allows us to have a global vision to analyze the sections and basic elements of an effective landing page.

  1. Header 
  2. Call to action
  3. Show the benefits
  4. Testimonials
  5. Argue and reinforce the objective with a CTA


Why do I need a landing page on my website?

Every organization has a specific reason why it needs a landing page, but ultimately you need a landing page to achieve a particular objective or goal, whether you want to improve your brand, increase your list of newsletter subscribers, or profit from the sale of a product or service.

Creating landing pages or landing pages aims to convert visits into sales through a form or CTA. To achieve this, you must be aware that your landing must show, only and exclusively, the information or promotion that you are offering. In other words, you should avoid creating distractions with other topics.


Landing pages are essential in your digital marketing campaign; they can do wonders to improve the results of your advertising campaigns on the internet or social networks by creating specific experiences for each person. We have reviewed the basic aspects and sections of landing pages, although this is only the tip of the iceberg. If you need help creating some landing pages, write us or leave your comment. We will be happy to help you!

When you sign up with Donstudio monthly plan for Marketing Basic https://donstudio.com/marketing-basic/ We create one landing page per month for your campaigns. We will manage, create, edit, improve your Google Ads Campaigns, but we also will like to offer our experience on Creating an Awesome landing page for the good sake of your business and the ensured ROI on your Digital Marketing Investment.

Call now 305-407-2422 or send Email to info@donstudio.com and we can get started! You can sign Up now Monthly with Donstudio to do Digital Marketing for your online business here https://donstudio.com/marketing-basic/

Here is an Example of a recent landing page we created for our client in Miami Beach to be used on their Google Ads Marketing: https://emergency-dentist-miami-beach.com/

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