Made a new redesign today, Website Recreate

The client contacted me a week to request a video review to check on their website and see what can be done to improve the site and make it more conversion friendly, improve design, improve UI/UX and Speed.

I created a video where I told honestly to my client all the things that needed to be done to improve the site and at the end of the day we agreed that the most effective way to go was actually redesigning the whole website since applying changes and improvements to the current site probably won’t solve all the issues or get the best possible results that he is looking for, for his business.

This is the design I Created for him

And this is the design that client had

screencapture eaglepiservices 2020 05 29 08 48 38

So as you can see this is the type of redesign I offer, and complete new visual, a complete Improvement. Not just partial redesign, I will recreate your website from scratch.

Now, this website is old, and has old wordpress version, I will make a new theme in wordpress and elementor. The new site will be 100% responsive, fast, with animations included and I will provide Elementor’s License as well, as part of my services.

Improving your site online can really make a change for your business. I have special offers for Small Business Websites

Need a Website Redesign, Recreate. Call me 305-407-2422 I’m Don Martinez in Miami, FL

The new design took me 24 hours to create after 50% invoice was paid via Paypal. I’ve sent the new homepeage, landingpage to the client and he is able to ask for revisions, changes, Once he approves the design I will start the code in WordPress. I will create a custom Theme using Elementor Pro and WordPress. This site will render Awesome in any device. Will include google fonts, will download fast and will have animations included. This site will be working properly for a few years. This means that this is a nice investment for the client, since he wont have to change website for at least 2 years.

Completed websites from Our Web Design Portfolio

Custom Truck

Complete custom design, and Prestashop theme creation with Custom Code for online store. Complete auto parts store made in Prestashop for Australian Customer.

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Our client had a website with a different platform, he needed the design to be recreated, a custom theme created with the same design and

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